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How We Do It

Apply to Miraaj

Next Step in Your Spiritual Journey

Are you ready to embark on a spiritual journey that will transform your life? 

Miraaj Academy offers an experience like no other, where you'll gain independence and responsibility, and leave with prophetic practices that will shape the rest of your life Insha Allah. Our Quranic leadership program is designed to help you charter new territory, gain confidence, and develop a sense of Islamic purpose. Whether you're nervous about being away from home or excited to explore new horizons, Yarrow Mamout Leadership Program is the place for you. Join other youth on this transformative spiritual journey and discover what it truly means to be empowered Muslim leaders

We're Here to Help You Every Step of the Way

Join a dynamic group of young boys ages (12-14) who are passionate about learning Islam, honing their leadership skills, and making a positive impact in their community Insha Allah.  

Tuition & Cost

Miraaj Academy is committed in providing opportunities for all students by offering scholarships and payment plans.  Praise be to Allah, thanks to the generosity of our supporters dedicated to uplifting our youth, we have been able to provide need-based scholarships covering tuition, board, and travel to 95% of our students.  

We need your help to continue this important work. Don't wait, donate now and be a part of this life-changing effort.